John Cabot University: the Academic Experience



  • English: All students must demonstrate English proficiency by completing  EN 110 Advanced Composition with a grade of C or above. New students will be placed in EN 103, EN 105, or EN 110, on the basis of the University’s English Composition Placement Examination, and must take Composition courses until this requirement is satisfied.

    EN 103: Students must receive a grade of C or above in this course to be eligible to take EN 110. Students who receive a grade ranging from C- to D- can take EN 105 or repeat EN 103. Students who receive an F must repeat EN 103.
    EN 105: Students must receive a grade of C or above in this course to be eligible to take EN 110. Individual students in EN 105 may be required to complete additional hours in the English Writing Center as part of their course requirements.
    EN 110: Students must receive a grade of C or above in this course to fulfill the University’s English Composition requirement and to be eligible to take courses in English literature.

  • Mathematics: All students must demonstrate proficiency in Mathematics by completing MA 101 Algebra or MA 100 Finite Mathematics, with a grade of C- or above. Students who are enrolled or plan to enroll in the Business Administration, International Business and Economics, and Finance Majors are required to take MA 101 Algebra. Other students have the option of choosing between MA 101 and MA 100. New students may be exempted from this requirement on the basis of the University’s Mathematics Placement Examination; otherwise, they must take MA 101 or MA 100 during their first semester of attendance and until this requirement is satisfied.
  • Foreign Language: All students must demonstrate foreign language proficiency equivalent to a year of study in a foreign language with a written literature. Students must receive a grade of C or above in foreign language courses taken at JCU to fulfill the requirement. Students with a national secondary education credential in a language other than English will be considered to have satisfied this requirement. Students are not allowed to register for language courses (101, 102, 103, 201, 202, 203, 301 and 302) in any language in which they are fluent. Language instructors have the right to request an assessment of language skills in order to determine fluency.


  • English Literature: Two courses in English literature, one of which may be replaced by a course in comparative or dramatic literature in English translation. (These courses are: CL 268, CL 278, ITS 292.)
  • Mathematics and Science: Two courses in mathematics, natural science, or computer science. (MA100 and MA101 do not fulfill this requirement.)
  • Social Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts: Five courses distributed as follows:
    a. Social Sciences - at least two courses in Communications, Economics, Political Science, or Psychology.
    b. Humanities - at least two courses in History, Literature, Philosophy, or Religion.
    c. Fine Arts - at least one course in Art History, Creative Writing, Dramatic Literature, Music, Studio Art, or Theater.

No course may be used to satisfy more than one General Distribution Requirement.