Housing and Residential Life

Housing and Residential Life


Welcome to John Cabot University Housing! At JCU, your academic environment is American, your surrounding community is Italian and your neighbors come from all over the world. John Cabot University is proud to offer an American education in an international environment to every student.

The Office of Housing and Residential Life

The Office of Housing and Residential Life functions in line with this commitment by offering university housing that provides students an opportunity to live in an international community consisting of their peers and staff from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds. The University has carefully selected locations close to the main campus buildings and in nearby residential areas that encourage students to integrate into the local community.

The office supports the American belief that students living in a community of their peers benefit both academically and socially. However, JCU Housing differs from a typical dorm-style experience, and challenges students to take on the responsibilities that come along with living in a fully equipped, independent apartment. Students choosing to live in JCU Housing will gain a true understanding of how to "do as the Romans do" while studying at an American university. 

Undergraduate Housing

Undergraduate Housing

The Undergraduate Housing options available through John Cabot University Housing are the Gianicolo Residence, Lungara Apartments and the Trastevere Apartments.

Graduate Housing

Graduate Housing

JCU’s Graduate Housing offers convenience and independence for students seeking accommodation where they can immerse themselves in the daily life of Rome and take advantage of being part of the JCU graduate community. 


Please contact [email protected] should you have further questions about JCU Housing and Residential Life.

How do I submit my application?
Once you have been accepted to JCU, you will be able to complete a Housing application by logging back into your account on the Student Portal.

What do I do if I don’t remember my login password?
If you have forgotten your password: on the bottom right-hand side of the page, click on ‘Forgot Password?’ Enter the email address that you used to register your account and then click ‘Reset Password’. You will receive an email prompting you to change your password. If you do not see this email, remember to check your Spam folder. Please note that the link in the password reset email is only valid for 24 hours. If you are unable to reset your password within this time, you will need to start again.

I have been accepted to JCU but I am unable to click on the Housing section. Is my application missing something?
All students must upload a personal photo before they are able to access the Housing application. Please see the following question for photo requirements. If you are a citizen of the United States, you will also need to insert your Social Security Number (SSN) before proceeding to the Housing section. If you have completed these steps and are still unable to access the Housing area of the portal, please contact [email protected]

Why do I need to upload a photo on the application portal?
The photo that you upload to your portal account will be used for your JCU student ID card. Acceptable photos include headshots, preferably with a white or neutral background. Selfies and photos with other individuals will not be accepted.

When I log into the portal, it says I ‘have not yet been accepted for Admission’. What does this mean?
This means that your application status may still be pending. If you know you have been accepted to the University or are a current or returning student, you may have created a new account by mistake. If you are unsure of your account credentials (the email address you registered with), please contact [email protected] for assistance in obtaining the correct login information.

When is the application deadline?
Please see the deadlines for each semester you are applying for.

JCU Housing application is considered complete and is accepted only if both application and deposit are submitted by the deadline. There is limited availability in JCU Housing and at times demand surpasses availability. Once all housing options reach their full capacity, it will be communicated promptly to any applicant that they will be placed on a waiting list even if they applied by the deadline. Housing applications that do not meet the deposit, and full payment deadline will be waitlisted. Any submissions after the deadline will not be considered for JCU Housing. 

When and where do I submit the housing deposit?
The housing deposit of USD/EUR 1000 should be submitted at the time of your application or by the application deadline. The Housing Deposit will be applied towards the full Housing payment amount. Submit the payment through the JCU online payment system. Please refer to the Housing Refund and Cancellation Schedule for details.

How do I request roommates?
Roommate requests can be made after your housing application has been completed. Please note that there is a limit to the number of roommate requests that each student may submit. In order to complete a request, all students must have a completed housing application for the intended semester. Students have the ability to accept or reject any roommate requests received. If you wish to accept a request, be sure to log back in and click accept before the application deadline. Roommate requests which result as pending after the deadline may not be considered during placements.

Where do I report a medical need for housing accommodations?
If you wish to request a specific housing accommodation for medical reasons, this can be done during Step 1 of the application process. For a medical accommodation to be considered, a recent doctor’s note and/or relevant medical files must be uploaded in PDF format under the application section titled ‘Health-Related Accommodation Needs’. Students are also encouraged to email [email protected] to discuss any medical concerns.  

I have documented dietary restrictions (celiac disease, severe nut allergies, observe Kosher). Can I live on my own or request a separate kitchen?
JCU is not able to provide separate kitchens or studio apartments to students with medical or religious dietary requests. Students can request a separate set of kitchenware (pots, utensils, etc.) for personal use to avoid cross-contamination when cooking. Students are also encouraged to address any restrictions or concerns with their roommates upon arrival.

Does the single room option include a private bathroom?
No, if a student is granted the single room option this means that s/he will not have a roommate in their bedroom. However, all other common areas are shared with the other residents of the apartment, including the bathroom(s) and kitchen.

If I request a roommate and a single room option, will I get both?
This may depend on availability and need, but in most cases students are granted their roommate request (shared bedroom) instead of a single room. If you have requested both a single room and a roommate, but would prefer to be placed in a single room, please email [email protected] to inform the Housing Office of your preferences.

Can I edit my application?
Students can edit their application until the deadline. For students submitting medical or special requests must also upload the supporting documents in the Student Portal by the deadline. After the application deadline, no changes will be made to an application.  

I have decided to withdraw from my spot in JCU Housing. How do I cancel my application?
Please email [email protected] to request your application to be canceled.

Does my housing spot carry over from Fall to Spring semester?
The housing placement is valid only for the semester for which the application was submitted. Housing assignments do not carry over from one semester to another in the same academic year. Students should remember to submit a new application through their student portal for each session that they wish to stay in JCU Housing. 

What are the payment deadlines?
The Housing Deposit is due by the application deadline. The full payment should be submitted after a housing placement has been received. Please review the Housing Website for specific details. If you are expecting to receive Financial Aid, please email [email protected]. For other payment deadlines, please consult the Tuition and Fees section of the website.

What if I don't get assigned to my first choice option and there is a cost difference?
Should students request one type of housing as their first choice and it is not granted, they will be billed for the housing they are assigned. If a student has already submitted the payment for a housing option that costs less than the option they were assigned, they are expected to submit the remaining balance prior to the designated move-in date.

What happens if I paid for a single upgrade and don't get assigned a single?
Final billing for housing is done in compliance with the University's drop/add schedule. If a student who requested and/or paid for a single does not receive it, he or she will not be billed the cost of the single upgrade. If the student has already paid for the upgrade, his/her account will be credited for the fee. For questions on the status of student accounts, please contact the Finance Office at [email protected]. You will be notified about the single upgrade, should you receive it.

How am I reimbursed if I've paid too much?
Refunds are issued after the drop/add period for the session that is over and the final tuition fees have been updated for all students. Please contact the Finance Office at [email protected] for more details.

What if my Federal Student/Private Loans are not disbursed in time for the payment deadline?
Student loan borrowers must pay the housing deposit upfront (out-of-pocket) from personal funds by the regular deposit deadline to be considered for JCU Housing. The full payment deadline is automatically extended until the loan is disbursed. Any outstanding balance not covered by loans must be settled by the regular payment deadline. For questions please contact [email protected]

What happens to my housing payments if I defer for a semester?
Students who defer for a semester can have all of their payments (minus the non-refundable housing deposit) transferred to the following session, within the same academic year. In order to ensure that their application is successfully deferred, students should contact JCU Admissions: [email protected]

When will I receive confirmation of my housing?
Students should expect to receive a Placement Notice email shortly following the application deadline for the corresponding semester.

When and how do I pay for housing? Will I receive an invoice?
The housing deposit must be paid when the application is completed and submitted. The Placement Notice provides confirmation of placement and the corresponding full cost for the assigned housing. After receiving this, the remaining housing fee (the full cost minus the housing deposit) should be paid by the final payment deadline.

If you are a study abroad student, please check with your study abroad advisor if your home university has an agreement with JCU which affects your billing procedures. If you are expecting to receive enough Financial Aid to cover the cost of your housing, this must be communicated to the Financial Aid Office prior to the full payment deadline.

Is a meal plan included in the Housing fees?
No, students may purchase a meal plan separately. Each apartment in JCU Housing has an equipped kitchen for students to make their own meals. If you wish to purchase a meal plan, visit the Meal Plan page.  

Living and studying abroad in Rome is a unique experience. Before arriving, it is important to know what to expect and to familiarize yourself with basic cultural differences to ease your transition.

Will my apartment be furnished?
Yes, all apartments rented through JCU Housing are completely furnished and have an equipped kitchen.

What appliances does JCU provide?
Each apartment is stocked with basic kitchen appliances (utensils, pots, pans, etc.). There is also a washing machine and drying rack in every apartment. Each resident will receive two (2) sets of bed linens and towels to use for the semester.

How many roommates will I have?
Each apartment varies in size and shape. The number of bedrooms and beds per room depends on the size of the apartment. Apartments can range from 2-9 residents and bedroom types range from single to quadruple rooms. 

Will my roommates be from the same country and/or university?
Unless a specific roommate request is submitted, roommates are assigned randomly and may or may not be from the same home institution, program, or country as you.

Will there be storage space in my apartment?
Each apartment is unique, and the available storage space varies according to the size and layout of the unit.

Are there elevators in the buildings?
There are elevators in some of the residences but most likely there will not be one if you are placed in a Neighborhood Apartment. Even if there is an elevator in your building, be reminded that most things in Italy are generally much smaller. We encourage students to ‘do as the Romans do’ and be prepared to take the stairs!

Will my apartment have air conditioning?
There is no air conditioning in the Neighborhood Apartments. In the residences, air conditioning is usually only located in the main living area of the apartment and not in the individual bedrooms.

Will there be heating and hot water in my apartment?
Heating is available in all apartments, but its use is regulated by Italian law for environmental purposes. This means that in most cases students will not be able to regulate the heating in their apartment as it will be turned on by the building coordinators in the Fall and turned off in the Spring. Hot water is also available, but do not expect to take long showers. Many apartments have a small hot water tank which may take hours to reheat. We recommend working out a schedule with your roommates so that no one will be left without hot water regularly.  

Is there recycling in Italy?
Yes, recycling is an important aspect of Italian culture. In Rome, recycling is separated into five (5) categories: landfill waste, plastic & metals, paper, glass, and compost. Each apartment unit will receive trash containers so they can recycle according to Roman regulations.

Are the apartments equipped with a Wi-Fi connection?
Yes, there is Wi-Fi in all JCU Housing apartments. However, the connection is only guaranteed to work in one area of the apartment, usually in the common living space.  

Will my apartment building have security?
Not all JCU Housing buildings will have a security guard. However, all JCU apartments are located in neighborhoods that are considered safe. Additionally, all JCU Housing students are assigned a Resident Assistant, Resident Director or Neighborhood Apartment Coordinator available to assist students with urgent matters. All JCU students can also contact the staff member on call at the 24/7 JCU Emergency Phone number in the case of a serious emergency: +39 331 6561907.

Will I have neighbors who are not students enrolled at JCU?
If you live in the Lungara Apartments or one of the neighborhood apartments, you will get to experience a more independent living style, including having regular neighbors of all ages and backgrounds.

How far will my apartment be from the campus?
John Cabot University is an urban-style American campus, meaning that each campus building and residence are located separately from each other but within a reasonable distance. The Gianicolo Residence and Lungara Apartments are located within a 5-minute walking distance from the Guarini Campus. The Trastevere Apartments are conveniently located in close proximity to several modes of public transportation; it can take between 10 and 25 minutes to get to one of the campus buildings by bus or tram. Similarly, the Neighborhood Apartments are located near the campuses and are accessible by foot or with up to a 30–45-minute commute by bus or tram. 

When should I book my flight?
There is no correct time to book your flight, but it is always better to plan in advance. Be aware that if you book through travel websites in advance, it is more likely that there will be multiple changes to your flight details prior to your departure date. If you are not booking a direct flight, we suggest arranging at least 2 hours between flights to avoid issues with flight delays, missed layovers, baggage loss, etc.

Is it better to book a one-way ticket?
It is usually more expensive to book a one-way ticket. JCU Housing students must vacate their apartment by the move-out deadline of the corresponding semester. The Academic Calendar is posted up to a year in advance, giving students enough time to plan for the semester. It is also important to note that students are not permitted to stay in JCU Housing in between academic sessions.

How do I know what the Move-In and Move-Out dates are for the semester?
Please refer to the JCU Academic Calendar for specific dates and deadlines for each semester. You can also find your assigned move-in date, the move-out date, and the full payment deadline on your Placement Notice email.

How soon should I start traveling after the semester begins?
Even if you have been to Italy or to Rome before, you should give yourself some time to adjust to your new environment before traveling again. It is not recommended that you book any trips before you arrive and settle into the semester.

What happens if I have dual citizenship with an EU country?
For legal purposes, you should enter the country using your EU passport. Before doing so, you must inform the JCU Immigration Office and your Admissions counselor, so that you will be registered properly. Your JCU Housing registration will the local authorities will be determined by the data provided to the Immigration Office.

When is the best time to arrive on campus?
We highly recommend booking a flight that is scheduled to land no later than 5 pm on your assigned move-in day. This should give you enough time to collect your baggage and go through customs. The JCU airport shuttle (available only to Housing students) is only offered until 6 pm on the move-in day. Please carefully review the arrival information for the semester before booking your airline tickets.

What should I pack for the semester?
Do not overpack as closet and storage space are limited in Roman apartments. Rome experiences all four (4) weather seasons, but winter is usually more mild than in the United States. It rarely snows in Rome, but if you plan to travel you will need to consider packing some warmer clothing as other European countries experience much colder Fall & Winter temperatures. Be sure to buy several outlet adapters and converters. Rome is a large and very walkable city, so bring comfortable clothing and shoes. You will be able to find most regular toiletries and many international brands here so you do not need to stock up on months’ worth of bathroom products. We also recommend bringing a weekend bag or backpack as well as a re-usable water bottle.

Who do I contact in the case of an emergency?
For minor issues, students will receive their RA’s contact information at the time of Orientation. In general, JCU Housing students are encouraged to address all non-emergency issues or concerns with their assigned RA or to email [email protected]

Every JCU student receives an ID card upon arrival with the JCU Emergency Number written on the back. This is a 24/7 number that students can call in case of any serious emergency. The number to speak to the on-call staff member is +39 331 6561907.

NOTE: The JCU staff member answering the Emergency Phone will make every possible effort to assist you or refer you to the proper person, agency or service. The JCU Emergency Phone is not an "emergency response team" and in emergency situations (serious illness, fire, theft, etc) students should first call Italian emergency services as listed on the JCU Emergency Card given to you during Orientation.

The Emergency Phone should only be called in a true emergency. Students are expected to exercise discretion to distinguish between an inconvenience that can be remedied on their own and a real emergency requiring immediate assistance. Misuse of the Emergency Phone can result in fines charged to your student account in addition to charges incurred by JCU in responding to any "false alarm."

How do I receive mail?
Mail will not be accepted directly at any of the residences. All students should have mail delivered to the Guarini Campus as follows:

Your Name
John Cabot University
Via della Lungara 233
00165 Rome, Italy

Please note that only small packages no larger than a shoebox will be accepted.

Can I ship my medications to Italy?
Medications should never be shipped to Italy as they will be stopped by Customs and returned to the sender. If you take a specific prescription medication, we recommend bringing enough supply with you to cover you for the entire semester. In emergency situations, most medications can be easily obtained following a medical consult with our JCU English-speaking doctor, Dr. Andrea Guerriero. However, some medications (such as ADD medication) are not legal in Italy. Please contact [email protected] with any specific medical questions.

Is there a storage unit available in between semesters?
The Housing Office will provide students with available storage information closer to the end of the semester. Storage space is limited and only available to JCU Housing students who have applied and submitted their housing application and payments for the following semester. Students must plan to pack neatly in a maximum of (2) boxes or in (2) suite cases (or bags). Please note, spaces are not individually secured or locked in luggage lockers. Students must avoid storing valuables in the storage.

Can I stay in JCU Housing during session breaks?
For legal and safety reasons, no students are permitted to stay in a JCU Housing unit past the assigned move-out date of the given semester.

How will I know who my Resident Assistant (RA) is?
You will receive an email from your RA shortly prior to your designated move-in date. You will then have the opportunity to meet them in person upon your arrival at JCU.

Can I have guests over in my apartment?
Under no circumstances are overnight guests allowed in any JCU Housing apartment, including the neighborhood apartments. More information about the guests' policy for the intended semester will be outlined in your Orientation information.

Is there a Housing curfew?
There is mandatory curfew for all JCU Housing students on the designated move-in days ONLY. On these days, Housing students are required to re-enter their assigned residence no later than midnight (12 am).

Please access the Maintenance Request form to submit a maintenance or cleaning request. Our maintenance or cleaning staff will come to your apartment as soon as possible in order to follow up on your request. You will not need to be present. 

Please fill in a Wi-Fi Assistance form to request assistance with your Wi-Fi. Please only fill in a Wi-Fi Assistance form for Wi-Fi issues in your apartment.

In the case of an emergency in your apartment (gas leak, water leak or any other emergency), please contact the EMERGENCY PHONE 0039 331 656 1907.

Students requesting disability-related academic accommodations should identify themselves at the time they pay their tuition deposit or housing placement fee. People who need physical accommodation might find mobility limitations while moving across Rome and other Italian cities, as several streets still present their original designs, which can be often dated back to the Middle Ages. For example, the cobblestone streets that characterize the Trastevere neighborhood and similar layouts in the historic city center might create some mobility issues. However, Italy has been working on improving its inclusion and accessibility policies to ensure the protection of people with disabilities by innovating its urban planning and removing architectural barriers, where possible.


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JCU Housing