

Eleonora Diamanti

Eleonora Diamanti

2018 Lecturer in Communications and Media Studies

[email protected]

Laurea triennale, University of Bologna, 2004
Laurea specialistica, University of Bologna, 2008
Ph.D., Université du Québec à Montréal, 2015

Eleonora Diamanti holds a Ph.D. in Semiotics from the Université du Québec à Montréal, focusing on an interdisciplinary approach in urban humanities. From 2010 to 2017 she lived in Montréal and worked on the city’s public space, protests and festival culture. She is a former post-doctoral fellow at McGill University’s School of Architecture where she was affiliated to the Facility for Architectural Research in Media and Mediation and the Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria, where she was also limited-term Assistant professor. Her interest in festivals, media, and the city brought her to work on nocturnal practices: from entertainment venues, like Italian discotheques, to radical spaces at night through an aesthetic creative approach. During her research at the University of Victoria she started working on night and digital media in Cuba, and co-directed “Guardians of the Night” (2018) an experimental short-length ethnographic film on nighttime activities in Guantanamo (Cuba).

Professor Diamanti takes a special interest in alternative modes of undertaking and disseminating academic research. She participated in research-creation projects in Canada, Italy, and Cuba, involving audiovisual production, performance and activist work. Since 2016 she is also part of Emidio di Treviri, an independent/activist research group working on the reconstruction process in Central Italy after the earthquake of 2016-2017, where she was born and raised. With the group, she co-directed the short-length documentary “After the Earthquake” (2017) on material culture and loss, and the feature-length documentary “Le terre di tutti” (2019) on collective practices of inhabiting rural areas and conceiving the “commons”.

Professor Diamanti is currently affiliated to the Department of communications of the University of Antwerp and a member of the Visual and Digital Cultures Research Center (ViDi) where she is working on a project on digital technologies and visual digital culture in Cuba.

List of publications