Study Abroad in Rome

Partner Study Abroad

John Cabot University has partnerships with many universities in the USA and around the world. If you are enrolled in one of our partner universities, please make sure that you speak with your home university’s Study Abroad Office before you apply. 

Application Process and Requirements

JCU’s application process is straightforward: 

  • Go to your Study Abroad Office to get approval and follow any internal procedures and deadlines that they may have.  
  • After getting approved, submit your JCU application online and upload your transcript to the Application Portal.

JCU Housing

Once accepted, take advantage of our different housing accommodations by submitting the housing application through the Application Portal.   

Financial Aid

Recipients of financial aid in the US may also transfer their aid from their home institution. Learn more about our financial aid options.


Please contact your home university to find out about billing arrangements. 


It is mandatory that you follow the application deadlines determined by your Study Abroad Office. JCU’s important deadlines are as follows:

Semester Application Deadline Housing Application Deadline Tuition & Housing Deposit Deadline Full Payment
Fall May 1 May 15 May 15 July 15
Spring October 15 November 1 November 1 November 30
Summer I April 1 April 15 April 15 April 30
Summer II May 1 May 15 May 15 May 30

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Assistant Director of Study Abroad, Michel Rosuelo, at [email protected] or call our toll-free number at +1-855-528-7662 (1-855-JCU-ROMA) from 2pm to 6pm CET.