Italy Reads Student Video Contest
2024/2025 Winners
1st Place (500 Euro): Whispers from Gertrude's Salon by students in Class 5D, IIS Vincenzo Simoncelli, Sora (FR), (Prof. Venditti and
Prof. Lanzi)
2nd Place (300 Euro): Freedom by students at Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Galilei, Civitavecchia/Santa Marinella
(RM), (Prof. Mangano)
3rd Place (100 Euro): The Life of a Genius by students in Class 5C, IIS Vincenzo Simoncelli, Sora (FR), (Prof. Venditti and
Prof. Airale)
Honorable Mention for Best Comedy (most pizzazz!): The Life of Gertrude Stein (kinda) by students in Class 5E at Liceo Scientifico Statale “Giovanni Keplero”, Rome, (Prof.
Honorable Mention for Best Visuals: Mapping Gertrude Stein by students in Class 5L at IIS "Sulpicio", Veroli (FR), (Prof. Venditti and Prof.
Entering the Contest
High School students are encouraged to produce videos (3-minutes duration) that are inspired by the work of American literature selected as the focus of the current year's Italy Reads. Recurring themes and motifs found in literature provide a wealth of inspiration for the creativity of students. All participants involved in all aspects of a video that is submitted to this contest must be enrolled in the same high school.
Be creative! These videos can include original music videos, a dramatized scene from the text, a documentary considering the life and historical context of the author, or an impressionistic video in response to one of the themes are just a few ideas.
Preparing your video submission
Online resources
To further the educational value of this project, Italy Reads offers an online Video
Production Tutorial (The Essential Guide to Video-Making) to registered participants upon request. Students are also invited to explore the
resource and video tutorials available online.
Peer-to-peer development of ideas
JCU students often meet with high school students to engage in discussions that help
reach a greater understanding of the themes of the text and how to transfer that understanding
into a video.
There can be no violation of copyright in the videos. Students are very strongly encouraged to consult documents such as The Video Pro's Guide to Video Copyright and Licencing, by Jon Tobin, or Bound By Law ©2006 Keith Aoki, James Boyle, Jennifer Jones for more information on how to respect intellectual property rights.
Contest Rules
Video entries must be up to 3 minutes in duration and uploaded and made available to the general public (i.e. entered as "unlisted" and NOT as "private") on YouTube, Vimeo or other social media platforms. Insert the link to your video in the mandatory Italy Reads Video Contest Submission Form. Please delegate ONE Student Representative for each video to send the submission. Students should not send duplicate submissions for the same video. There is no limit to the number of unique videos a class can submit. Each video must be submitted using the Submission Form. Deadline to submit a video: 31 January.
Participation in the Student Video Contest constitutes acceptance, also by parental authorities of participating minors, of the terms authorizing John Cabot University to use the video and photos taken at the events. Fill in the Disclaimer/Liberatoria.
The panel of judges (JCU professors and qualified alumni) will select the winning video based on the following criteria:
- Artistic interpretation of theme
- Acting ability of those appearing in video (if the video includes actors)
- Creativity in direction of the video
- Originality of interpretation
- Costumes and make-up (if used in the video)
- Lighting
- Quality of video recording
- Quality of audio
Two awards, for the amount of 500 Euros and 300 Euros, will be given to the classes whose videos have been determined to best satisfy the above-listed criteria. Honorable Mention will be given to other categories as deemed appropriate by the panel of judges.
Prize money must be spent on a project or activity chosen by the class as a group and approved by their Italy Reads participating teacher. The prize funds will be provided as reimbursement of receipts.
Awarded funds must be claimed by 15 June. How to claim your award.
1st Place (500 Euro): Women in Spoon River by students in Class 5D, IIS Vincenzo Simoncelli, Sora, (Prof. Venditti)
2nd Place (300 Euro): Rosie Roberts by students in Class 4N, Liceo Linguistico, Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli, Rome,
(Prof. Rizzo).
3rd Place (100 Euro): The Laundress by students in Class 4D at IIS Vincenzo Simoncelli, Sora, (Prof. Venditti and Prof.
La Frate).
Honorable Mention for Best Costumes and Makeup: Grace’s Dream by students in Class 4C at IIS Vincenzo Simoncelli, Sora, (Prof. Venditti and Prof.
Honorable Mention for Best Camera Movement and Best Music: The Hill by students in Class 3N at Liceo Scientifico Statale “Isacco Newton”, Rome, (Prof.
Honorable Mention for Best Production Design: Dippold the Optician by students at Liceo Scientifico Statale “Giovanni Keplero”, Rome, (Prof. Ridolfi).
1st Place (500 Euro) was awarded to Margaret Fuller's Life, by students of Prof. Andrea Ridolfi, Liceo Scientifico Statale “Giovanni Keplero,”
2nd Place (300 Euro) was awarded to Conversation with Margaret Fuller, by students of Prof. Marina Schiaroli, IIS Classico Artistico – Liceo Classico “G.C.
Tacito,” Terni
Honorable Mention for Educational Strength was awarded to Women’s Role Over Time, by students of Prof. Giuseppina Santoro, Istituto Magistrale Statale “Giordano Bruno,”
Honorable Mention for Video Editing Skills was awarded to A Different Woman, by students of Prof. Anna Mastrolito’s students at Liceo “A. Volta,” Foggia
Honorable Mention for Research on Social Issues was awarded to The Role of Women Over Time, by students of Prof. Loredana Quinto, Istituto Magistrale Statale “Giordano Bruno,”
Write to [email protected] for further information.
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