Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Natural Sciences

Mathematics, Natural and Applied Sciences Faculty

Chair of the Department

Patrizio Angelini 2020
Associate Professor of Computer Science
B.A., University of Roma Tre, 2003
M.A., University of Roma Tre, 2006
Ph.D., University of Roma Tre, 2010
Email: [email protected]


Martina Anfuso 2024
Lecturer in Mathematics
Laurea, Sapienza University of Rome, 1992
Email: [email protected]

Stefano Arnone 2007
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Dean of Academic Affairs
Laurea, University of Rome "La Sapienza," 1996
Dottorato di Ricerca, University of Rome "La Sapienza," 2000
Email: [email protected]

Khaison Duong
Lecturer in Computer Science and Educational Technology Specialist
B.Sc., Computer Science, University of Calgary, 2001
M.Ed., Education and Technology, University of Southern Queensland, 2012
Email: [email protected]

Alice Fabbri 2017
Lecturer in Mathematics
Laurea, University of Rome "Roma Tre," 2006
Dottorato di Ricerca, University of Rome "Roma Tre," 2010
Email: [email protected]

Marco Forti 2023
Lecturer in Statistics
M.Sc., University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 2013
Ph.D., University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 2022
Email: [email protected]

Stefano Gazziano 1999
Lecturer in Computer Science
Laurea, University of Rome “La Sapienza,” 1982
Email: [email protected]

Stefano Iannone 2009
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., San Francisco State University, 1996
Master, University of Rome "Tor Vergata," 2007
Email: [email protected]

Margaret Kneller 2006
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Natural Sciences
Coordinator of the Math Lab
B.S., Stanford University, 1980
M.E.S., Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, 1988
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1996
Email: [email protected]

Hlafo Alfie Mimun 2024
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Laurea triennale, Sapienza University of Rome, 2014
Laurea magistrale, Sapienza University of Rome, 2016
Dottorato di ricerca, Sapienza University of Rome, 2020

Email: [email protected]

Sara Munday 2019
Associate Professor of Mathematics
M.Sci., University of St. Andrews, 2004
Ph.D., University of St. Andrews, 2011
Email: [email protected]

Marco Scaramastra
Lecturer in Computer Science
Laurea, University of Rome "La Sapienza", 1984
Email: [email protected]

Patrizio Angelini

Patrizio Angelini

Associate Professor of Computer Science

B.A., University of Roma Tre, 2003
M.A., University of Roma Tre, 2006
Ph.D., University of Roma Tre, 2010
Email: [email protected]

Patrizio Angelini completed his Bachelor and Master studies in Computer Engineering (Ingegneria Informatica) at Roma Tre University, Italy, where he also received his Ph.D. in 2010. He was a Post-doc Fellow at the same University till 2015, and then a Research Assistant at the University of Tübingen, Germany, till 2019. In 2013, he also spent two months as Visiting Scholar at the University of Sydney, Australia.

Prof. Angelini's main research interests are in Algorithm Engineering and Complexity, with a focus on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, the research field dealing with the algorithmic challenges deriving from the visualization of networks. His work also extends to the areas of Graph Theory, Computational Geometry, Information Visualization, and Discrete Mathematics.

Prof. Angelini's teaching activities include courses in several areas of Computer Science, such as software programming, basic and advanced algorithms, and theoretical computer science. He gave an invited lecture for the Ph.D. School: Recent Trends in Graph Drawing and Network Visualization. He also taught courses for private companies and the Italian Public Administration, and co-founded an IT Consultancy and Education company in 2008, where he worked as Education Manager until 2016.

List of publications