

John Cabot University provides many ways to encourage students to develop their knowledge of and sensitivity to environmental sustainability. One way is through academic courses. These are meant to fully integrate with the wealth of other activities and projects available at JCU: students clubs, community work, faculty-led trips, lectures and workshops, alumni networking and mentoring, the Triggering Change pitch, as well as the recently-created Certificate in Sustainability.

True to its liberal arts tradition, JCU takes a multi-disciplinary approach to sustainability, helping to develop a holistic vision that provides a broad approach to understanding and making sense of this complex topic. Courses are being added and the curriculum is evolving to accommodate greater flexibility and focus. 


Jens Koehler

Environmental Archaeology and Paleoclimatology

In his class, Professor Jens Koehler analyzes how humans have been impacting the environment and the climate since prehistoric times. Students learn archaeological methodology and the tools used in the fields of geology and climatology that will allow them to discover, interpret and analyze statistics on environmental and climate research.

Professor Rodrigo Salcedo Du Bois

Environmental Economics

Professor Rodrigo Salcedo Du Bois teaches his class with the belief that no action is small enough when it comes to building a better world. His course refers to sustainability as the decision-making process and subsequent actions that can guarantee the well-being of future generations.

Isabella Clough Marinaro

Green Criminology

Professor Isabella Clough Marinaro seeks to motivate students enrolled in her class to see that advocating for the environment is ultimately about fostering community, peace and social justice. The course uncovers how unethical political power dynamics and lobbying can cause environmentally destructive activities, such as oil spills, systematic pollution, and illegal trade.

Below is a selection of courses that make meaningful contributions to social and environmental sustainability efforts:

ARCH/NS 310 Environmental Archaeology and Paleoclimatology 
BUS 220 Business Communication 
BUS 320 Public Relations 
BUS/PL 325 NGO Consulting Lab 
BUS 498 International Business Seminar 
CMS 323 Media and the Environment 
CMS 345 Ecocinema: Environmentalism and Film 
CMS 375 AI and Critical Art Practices: Ethics, Aesthetics, Labor 
CS/MGT 310 Technologies and Strategies for the Sustainable Enterprise 
DJRN 380 Writing for Advocacy: Climate Crisis 
EC 380 Environmental Economics 
ETH/BUS 301 Business Ethics  
EXP 1025 Climate Journalism: Combating Disinformation and Driving Change 
MGT 345 Social Entrepreneurship 
MGT/BUS 375 Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries 
MKT 320 Integrated Marketing Communications 

NS 202 Global Warming
NS 220 Food and Agriculture
NS 230 Energy and Environment
NS 290 Science and Urban Ecology
PH 325 Ethics of Emerging Technologies
PL 366 International Environmental Politics
PL/GDR 375 The Politics of Gender
PL/LAW 230 Human Rights
PL/LAW 325 Human Trafficking and Contemporary Slavery
PL/LAW 326 Globalization and Crime
PL/LAW 399-1 Special Topics in Law and Political Science: Human Rights and Business
PL/LAW 399-2 Special Topics in Law and Political Science: International Children's Rights
SOSC/GDR 310 Gender, Culture and Urban Spaces
SOSC/ITS 220 Italian Food Culture
SOSC/LAW 322 Green Criminology

Research Papers

This collection includes scholarly publications, working papers, and research outputs with a focus on sustainability.